P.S:- Bersama-samalah kita membaca, memahami dan menghayati maksudnya serta mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan seharian kita
Click sini untuk Al-Quran secara online:-

"Your love is like an ocean that’s flows into my soul,
Your voice is sweet like music that calms my lonely world,
Your hands is my protection from hurt deep down inside,
itu talian hayat.. ^^"
semoga diberkati ya awak..
slmt berbuka..
AlQuran breaks the hard heart and heals the broken hearts :)
Al-Quran is the best friend, who teach us for the good things.
Salam Nuzul Quran.
salam nuzul quran.. semalam.. tapi saya baru baca hari ni...=)
salam nuzul quran :)
senyumSOYA:- ya, smoga awk juga d berkati..& selamat berbuka..(^___^)
wear4kids:- your welcome..=)
fathiahRAIHANA & Hana Soffelia :- yup, that's right...Salam Nuzul Al Quran for both of u...
Amni :- salam nuzul Al Quran..takpe its ok.. =)
SoLy SoLicious:- Salam nuzul Al quran, smoga sentiasa di rahmati..
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